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Show Me How to Be Whole Again

Show Me How to Be Whole Again

Photo Courtesy: Free-Photos/Pixabay

You lot've probably been around on this planet for a few years now, so y'all might think you have a pretty proficient grasp on how to do stuff. Surprisingly, nevertheless, there are a lot of things that most of united states of america are probably doing wrong, even with all our years of experience and expertise. One time you encounter how y'all're supposed to be doing them, you'll wonder why you never did those things that manner before. It will change your life.

Eating Cherries

While cherries are a delicious summertime treat, they tin as well be a little difficult to swallow if y'all struggle with pitting them. The traditional "spit the pits out into a bowl" method is tried and true, certainly, only there'due south an easier, cleaner way of eating them that most of united states of america probably haven't tried merely should.

Photo Courtesy: Simon Matzinger/Pixabay

Grab a straw and get set to enjoy some cherries! Push the straw through the middle to pit the cherries perfectly every time, and you can enjoy them without having to worry about spitting out the pits. Information technology'southward such an easy hack.

Phone Speakers

Finding a good style to boom some music should be a straightforward process. Merely what happens when y'all forget to bring your speaker to the picnic, or the battery dies halfway through? Almost of us probably crank the volume up as loud equally information technology goes and hope for the all-time.

Photo Courtesy: Holger Langmaier/Pixabay

There's a better solution to the music problem, though and you don't even need whatever special technology for information technology. Every bit long as you lot have a loving cup large plenty to concur over your phone'due south speaker, you're all set! Just put your phone in the loving cup, and it volition heave the sound tremendously.

Cooling Bottles

It'due south pretty frustrating to drink a lukewarm drinkable when yous were hoping for a cool one. Yous tin can put a canteen in the fridge and even after a seemingly countless amount of fourth dimension and still cease up with a relatively warm drinkable. Luckily, yous've been going nigh spooky our bottles all wrong — there's an easy solution that can save you from the tragedy of a warm soda.

Photo Courtesy: Free-Photos /Pixabay

Earlier you put the bottles in the refrigerator, wrap them in clammy paper towels. They'll cool downwards to the perfect temperature in every bit little every bit 15 minutes! You'll never have to expect for a common cold potable again.

Putting a Key on a Keyring

This seemingly uncomplicated task has toll many a person pain in their nails and fingers (and, let's exist honest, a piddling sanity as well). It'south something that needs to exist done adequately often, though — whenever you lot get a new key or dispose of an erstwhile 1, or when information technology's time for a swanky new keychain..

Photo Courtesy: Davie Bicker/Pixabay

There'south a way to save your fingers, though. Next time, use a staple remover to open up the keyring up, and you can slide keys off and on with ease. No more nail damage or pain.

Using Extension Cords

Considering how much we rely on technology every day, yous'd call up we'd be better at using extension cords past now, notwithstanding we struggle with the frustration of of a sudden losing ability to devices because the cord came unplugged from the extension cord, which happens all too easily.

Photo Courtesy: StockSnap/Pixabay

There's a simple solution to make sure that never happens over again. All you have to do is tie a loose knot between the device cord and the extension cord before plugging them in, and they won't come up unplugged from each other. No more than mid-picture show disasters or mid-essay tragedies!


Everyone's struggled with the restrictions on conduct-on sizes when traveling by plane. It seems like you tin can barely fit anything in those bags! Despite years of practice and dozens of flights, yous probably continue to struggle with the right way to pack in social club to maximize space in those bags.

Photo Courtesy: Kris/Pixabay

You're also probably packing incorrect. If you want to maximize the number of clothes you can pack, coil our wearing apparel, don't fold them. Rolling them will requite you a lot more infinite to work with, which means more than clothes you tin can bring for our trip!

Drinking Iced Coffee

In a fourth dimension when coffee is available at practically every street corner, you lot might call back you know how to drink it, whether yous're a cream-and-three-sugars or direct-blackness coffee person. When it comes to iced java, withal, most people are probably drinking it wrong.

Photograph Courtesy: Jasonbon/Pixabay

We've all experienced the disappointment when the ice cubes melt and we end upward drinking vaguely coffee-flavored water at the cease of our drink. To go around this,make water ice cubes out of java and enjoy a stiff cup of cold joe all the way to the stop.

Making Eggs

Considering how pop eggs are, making good ones should be piece of cake every bit pie — although how piece of cake pie really is to make is a question for another twenty-four hour period. Even so, everyone seems to struggle with getting eggs well cooked and perfectly circular. It'due south an eternal struggle.

Photo Courtesy: Aline Ponce/Pixabay

Luckily, at that place'south a fashion to achieve culinary perfection without going out and buying a fancy kitchen tool. All you need is an onion! Slice your onion and utilise 1 of the rings to concord your egg while it'south cooking. You lot'll take a perfectly-cooked, perfectly-round egg in no time.

Storing Ice Cream

Considering how much people consume ice cream, y'all'd think everyone would know how best to store it. But time and fourth dimension again, people take ice foam out of the freezer only to realize that information technology'south hardened nearly past the point of no return.

Photograph Courtesy: StockSnap/Pixabay

To save ice cream from hardening in the freezer, keep the carton inside a big ziplock bag. It'll go on the ice cream soft and easily scoopable so that you don't take to struggle for information technology the next time you're craving a frozen treat!

Microwaving Leftovers

This is truly a challenge for the ages. You become out your delicious leftovers and popular them in the microwave, only when you take them out, the edges are fiery hot while the centre nevertheless feels frozen! After years of trial and fault, most people still struggle with this. Lucky, there's a play a joke on that tin avoid this problem.

Photo Courtesy: Marco Verch/Flickr

Just take out the middle! It sounds odd, simply information technology makes sense. Arrange your nutrient like a doughnut with a hole in the heart, and it will rut a lot more evenly. This is definitely a life hack to recall.

Using Bobby Pins

For anyone with long hair, bobby pins are a necessity. They're needed to keep hair tucked securely in identify and so it doesn't fall into your face (or food!) and ruin whatever it is you're trying to practice. However, y'all're probably wearing them wrong.

Photograph Courtesy: Pexels/Pixabay

It might feel natural to put them in your hair with the apartment side down, but if you lot want them to stay in place longer, you should really be wearing them wavy-side down. For such a common hair tool, they're widely misunderstood.

Drying Boom Polish

Nail shine is one of those beauty items people merely can't seem to stay away from. For all that we utilise information technology, however, we nevertheless struggle with its ho-hum-as-a-snail drying time. With all the YouTube videos and beauty hack tutorials available out at that place, information technology'southward surprising that this trick isn't more well known.

Photograph Courtesy: Yana Miller/Pixabay

If you put your freshly-painted nails into ice water, they'll dry super apace. Yous'll never be trapped past wet nails again, afraid to smear all of your hard piece of work. You tin go back to reading, typing on your computer or whatever else you need to do for the solar day.

Making a Sandwich

You would think that a sandwich would be one of the easier things to brand in the kitchen. Just similar most people, you lot've probably been making sandwiches incorrect your whole life. Think almost it: yous put on a couple of circular slices of meat on the bread, which leads to an overlap in the heart only no meat in the corners of the sandwich.

Photograph Courtesy: JayMantri/Pixabay

If you cut the circles of meat in half, you can align them to cover the corners of the bread and spread the meat more equally throughout the sandwich. Voilà: a perfect sandwich.

Sealing a Plastic Bag

Trying to keep food fresh can exist a struggle when you have a pocketbook that doesn't come with a resealable zip. Take a bag of chocolate chips for example. Making certain that the chocolate stays fresh doesn't need to be then hard.

Photo Courtesy: Mike Mozart/Flickr

If yous have an old plastic canteen — such as a soda bottle — y'all tin cutting the top off and thread the food bag through the top. Fold the bag back over and screw on the lid to create a seal. The food will stay fresh for a long time.

Slicing Breadstuff

Buying breadstuff loaves with crust on top is a slap-up way to add together some season to whatsoever y'all're going to apply the bread for. When y'all're cutting information technology, however, the crust can testify to be a chip of an obstacle, and the slices can end up lopsided and ugly.

Photo Courtesy: Romina Cib/Pixabay

To salvage your breadstuff (and pride), there's a play tricks that most people have probable missed. Information technology'due south unproblematic: just flip the loaf upside downward. The underside is a lot softer, so you tin cut through it much more hands. This is the best kitchen hack since — well, you know.

Drinks on a Hot Twenty-four hour period

Drinking a refreshing beverage on a hot day is an activeness about as former as water ice. It's the perfect way to absurd downwards and relax, but most people don't know that they're probably doing it all wrong.

Photo Courtesy: Benjamin Balazas/Pixabay

Hot days mean there are a lot of bugs out and nigh, and so y'all probably spend a off-white bit of time swatting them away from your succulent drink. Rather than spend all that time and endeavour keeping them at bay, only put a cupcake wrapper over the top of your drink. Yous tin even poke a hole for a straw.

Cut Watermelon

Enjoying a succulent slice of watermelon on a warm summer day is well-nigh equally traditional equally you tin can go. Digging into that quintessential fruit is practically a summertime rite of passage. But that'due south really not the all-time style to swallow watermelon.

Photograph Courtesy: Jill Wellington/Pixabay

If you cutting a watermelon like an onion instead of the way you usually cut it, information technology's a lot easier to eat. You can munch down to the rind without worrying almost getting it all over your face, which — while it might take out some of the fun — will definitely save you lot from a meaning mess.

Breaking in Shoes

New shoes are ever a niggling tight and uncomfortable, and it tin have some fourth dimension to break them in. Virtually people probably vesture them for a few days and promise they don't become as well many blisters. However, there'south a much amend way to break them in.

Photo Courtesy: Lisa Runnels/Pixabay

Article of clothing some thick socks and catch a hairdryer. Put on your new shoes apply some heat to the parts of the shoes that are the least comfortable. The rut expands the fabric, and your shoes will interruption in a lot faster, bringing comfort much more quickly.

Drinking Soda

This is something most people take probably been doing since they were little kids. As uncomplicated as information technology is, however, y'all've probably been missing out on a critical part of the soda-drinking experience.

Photo Courtesy: Elaina/Pixabay

You know that little hole in the top of the can-opening bit of your soda? It tin be used equally a straw-holder! The next time you open a can of orange soda for a family barbeque or a rootbeer at a friend'south business firm, grab a straw and show off your newfound noesis.

Using Toothpaste

Toothpaste is something you unremarkably accept on mitt at all times. For something people use at least twice a solar day, yous'd think everyone would be experts at applying toothpaste by now, simply it turns out about people have been wasting toothpaste.

Photo Courtesy: Jenny Friedrichs/Pixabay

To brand sure you don't squander whatever precious breath-freshening product, use a bobby pivot. Run the pin along the tube from the bottom to the top to squeeze out every drib, so no toothpaste always goes to waste over again.

Removing a Wine Stain

Spilling red wine is a tragedy. Information technology is truly a laundry catastrophe of gargantuan proportions. While some people accept tricks to get the stain out, others must resort to the usual scrub-until-it-comes-off method, which takes more fourth dimension.

Photo Courtesy: Security/Pixabay

There's a sneaky manner to get blood-red wine stains out quickly that might seem contradictory but works similar a charm: apply white wine. Fighting burn with fire, let some white wine soak into the red wine for a while before washing the stain. The mark will disappear similar magic!

Cut the Block

Whether y'all're cut a cake or cutting up cookie dough, the go-to instrument is usually a knife. Information technology makes the nigh sense to apply, but sometimes it messes up the frosting or leaves a less-than-clean line in the dough, which is disappointing.

Photo Courtesy: Mike/Pixabay

To keep dough lines and frosting clean, don't use a knife. Instead, cutting information technology with floss! It'due south thinner than a pocketknife but still precipitous, and so it'll give you make clean lines without messing upwards the beautiful decoration on top of the cake. It as well cuts through dough easily, making it super user-friendly and fast to use.

Filling a Saucepan

If you've always had to fill up a bucket with water without a hose nearby, you probably know information technology's an annoying task. Buckets are too big to fit into the sink, and then you lot usually cease up filling it one sad cup of water at a time. Luckily, there'south a better fashion to fill information technology upward.

Photo Courtesy: Myriam Zilles/Pixabay

Every bit long as you have a dustpan, you're all set. Simply set the dustpan in the sink at a right angle and turn on the water. The dustpan acts as a funnel, making the water run straight into the saucepan.


You're probably non eating them wrong per se. The classic graham cracker, marshmallow and chocolate combination is still one of the ultimate moments of summer (or winter, for those of us who do indoor s'mores in the oven). But these delicious treats deserve an update.

Photograph Courtesy: Pexels/Pixabay

Try making s'mores with Oreo edges instead of graham crackers or Reece'southward Peanut Butter Cups for the chocolate filling to bring these summertime desserts to the next level. Once you beginning shaking them up, you'll never want to terminate.

Eating TicTacs

Keeping your breath minty fresh with TicTacs is an piece of cake manner to counteract that garlic chicken you had for lunch. Most people don't think nigh how they pour out a TicTac from its case, only there'southward really a very particular manner to have one out most of us don't know about.

Photo Courtesy: Hans Braxmeier/Pixabay

To avert accidentally pouring eight TicTacs into your hand when you only wanted one, utilize the built-in distributor that'due south included in the lid of the TicTac box. Hold the case upside-down and open it slowly, and a unmarried TicTac volition fall onto the underside of the lid.

Cupcake Sandwich

Eating a cupcake, while definitely worth it, can be a fleck of a mess sometimes. Frosting gets everywhere, and nobody ever seems certain of the all-time mode to go almost eating ane. Y'all virtually need to unhinge your jaws for some sort of mega-bite to get the perfect ratio of frosting to cake.

Photo Courtesy: GLady/Pixabay

It doesn't have to be that way, though. If you take off the bottom of the cupcake and squish information technology on top of the frosting to make a cupcake sandwich, eating the delicious treat becomes a million times easier. No mess — all deliciousness.

Eating an Apple

An apple is one of the most popular fruits. From keeping doctors away to interim as a neat pie filling for pretty much all of homo history, not too many fruits can compare. For all their popularity, however, we've been eating them wrong all our lives.

Photograph Courtesy: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay

If you don't slice it, you lot probably kickoff eating an apple from the side, working your way around the fruit. That ends upwardly wasting quite a scrap of fruit, though, so consider eating i from either the top or bottom, to ensure you lot don't let anything become to waste.

Taking Out the Trash

This, at least, should be something everyone knows how to do reasonably well. Even so, it turns out that even when it comes to the trash, there are still some things to learn. When you go to pull out a full trash pocketbook, sometimes the bag fits the trash tin so perfectly that it forms a seemingly airtight seal, making it impossible to have out.

Photograph Courtesy: Mabel Bister/Pixabay

If you drill pocket-size holes into the trash can, air tin can become in and make taking out the trash bag a much easier chore. Once yous've tried it, you'll wonder why y'all never did information technology before.

Eating Cheesy Chips

From cheese assurance to cheesy puffs and every kind of cheesy goodness in between, eating cheesy dust-covered chips is a delicious act that well-nigh anybody knows and loves. All the same, no one likes the make clean-upwardly that comes afterward — your hands are covered in cheese that never comes off.

Photo Courtesy: ThreelfByBike/Flickr

Next time, instead of using your fingers, try eating the chips or cheese assurance with chopsticks. It might expect a little odd to the people around you lot, just yous'll have the last express mirth when your easily are make clean and ready for the side by side task while they're still scrubbing away at the sink.

Hiding Written Mistakes

If you've always written something out past hand, chances are you've besides tried to cover up a mistake you made while writing it. Maybe you spelled something incorrect or wrote the incorrect word. Whatsoever the error was, y'all probably tried to cover information technology up past striking through the word or scribbling over it with some lines.

Photograph Courtesy: tookapic/Pixabay

If you want to encompass up your mistake, the trick is to write random letters on top of the word you want to encompass up. It's adequately easy to read through lined strikes, simply writing random letters over the error makes it almost illegible.

Show Me How to Be Whole Again

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